Monday, September 22, 2008

Block Party

Last night, there was a block party right in front of our house. We had such a great time and all of my favorite friends were there. Here is a picture of me and Mommy as we arrived at the party. Kay, Bryan and Nikos are the newbies on the block - Nikos is only 2 months older than me!

Here are some of the big kids on our block: Max, Jane, little Grace, big Grace, Allie and Francesca. Are they goofy or what?

I am not crawling yet, but getting close! I am on all fours as much as I can - I even sleep in "child's pose" with my knees tucked under my belly. Oh, and Mommy and Papa finally finished babyproofing my play room! It's about time!

1 comment:

. said...

That Baby Bjorn looks like a classy way to get around. No rush to crawl as long as you have a 'chauffeur'.
Cheers to all.