Thursday, February 18, 2010

5 Years Ago.......

....Mama and Papa were newlyweds and decided to buy a pretty little bungalow in Huntington Woods. On moving weekend, a blizzard came and dumped over a foot of snow in Detroit. And on closing day, as she was loading the first boxes into her car on her way to the closing, Mama fell down the stairs and sprained her ankle. It was a rough start! Here was our house 5 years ago...

In 5 years, Mama has had one car, the Civic. Papa has had the Maxima, Hummer, and the Aura....oh and a motorcycle...oh and in 3 weeks we will have the Terrain. Can you tell that Papa loves cars?

Today, there are 1.5 more residents than there were 3 years ago!!!!

Believe it or not, the snow does melt from time to time! In fact, this is what my street will look like in about 6 weeks. I can't wait to go on long walks, greet my friends and neighbors, and smell the tulips and daffodils.

I am such a lucky girl to live here. I LOVE my house, my street and my neighborhood. Even though winter is long, I have great friends nearby and places to go and burn off some energy. Within walking distance are a dozen different parks, downtown Royal Oak, the rec center, the library, a market, the zoo and even my future elementary school! The next 5 years will be full of more wonderful memories!!!!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

I hope everyone had a wonderful day with their sweetie pie's! Here I am in my pretty dress that Alex and Audrey bought me.

And here is a flashback...little me at just 2 months old!!!

Big kisses to all my family and friends. MWAH!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Snowy Days

Detroit finally caught up with the rest of the country and got a good snowstorm. No, we didn't get feet of snow like my family in Washington D.C. saw, but a good 7" or so fell. I LOVE snow. Mainly, just walking in it. Sledding is fun half the time, and scares the paci out of me the other half of the time.

Wow! Where did the roads and sidewalks go?????

I like the sound my boots make in the snow. Crunch...crunch...crunch.

Hanging out with Mama and Papa in downtown Royal Oak.

On cold days, we head over to the mall so I can play. Am I having a good time or what?

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Busy as a Bee

We are so busy, in fact, that Mama doesn't even remember to take pictures! We are always on the go....library time, Kindermusik, playdates, shopping, lunch dates, and trips to the mall so I can run around and charm all the other shoppers. I promise to post some better pics soon...I have been invited to three Valentine's Day parties so I will have a lot to tell everyone!

Here I am at my friend Avarie's house. Her house has a finished basement with tons of toys, but I spent most of the time climbing up and down the stairs and playing the piano.

Did I mention that I play soccer on Saturdays? Okay, well it's just a bunch of toddlers running around and releasing energy, but there are soccer balls present....I just choose not to kick them yet. But it is still awesome bonding time for Papa and me.

Last month, Papa's good friend Audrey stayed with us for a few days while he attended the North American Int'l Auto Show in Detroit. I loved the extra attention, as you can see here.

We are so happy for Audrey and Alex, proud new parents of sweet little Anthony. Hopefully I can meet Anthony someday soon. Is he a cutie pie or what?