Tuesday, June 30, 2009

18 Month Checkup

I am such a big girl! I am 33 3/4" long (95th percentile) and I weigh 23 pounds (25th percentile)! I am healthy and happy, as you can tell!

At Somerset, showing off my long legs.

I LOVE to play with balls. One day soon I am going to make a basket just like Papa does.

My ball!

This musician sang very well and I was hypnotized!!! Passerbys were tickled pink at my wide eyes.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Summertime in Michigan

Summertime has FINALLY arrived here in Michigan and boy am I having a great time! I just want to be outside walking, exploring my neighborhood and seeing my friends. I love to cross the street and I know now that I must hold Mama or Papa's hand when I do so.

We spend a lot of time at parks, and I am mainly interested in going on the swing.

We get together with our good friends and neighbors often. Joe and Nancy's deck is the best spot in town!

We hosted dinner with the Bonello's one night and we just had such an awesome night. I played so much with Gian, Francesca and Allie - I didn't want them to go home.

Concerts in the park are back, so every Tuesday night we head to a park near our house to listen to music. Last week a heavy rock band played and I wasn't sure what to think of that.

Mama finally caved in and bought pool passes up at our city rec center after 3 days of scorching 90 degree heat.

On rainy days, I hang out with my friends and practice sharing my O's.

Mama and Papa love to hang out in Royal Oak. On Father's Day, we had dinner at Bastone and the strolled up and down Main Street.

I also Papa a cool Simpsons audio card. Papa didn't have much time to enjoy it though....

Friday, June 12, 2009

I'm Slidin

Another Milestone

I am 18 months old today! Wow...time sure flies when you're having fun! I don't have any stats to report as I don't see my pediatrician for another 2 weeks. Mama thinks I am somewhere around 21-22 pounds and guesses that I am 32-33" tall.

These days, I am super busy. I have lots of play dates and Mama and Papa take me outside several times a day so I can walk, explore, and chat with our neighbors.

When I see people I love, I like to hit them on the head. Mama has been trying to tell me "gentle" and "no hit", but what fun is that....REALLY?

I like to get people to chase me, especially boys.

We have lots of girl power on LaSalle. Here I am with all of my favorite friends. I wasn't so happy though because I had just fallen and got my very first boo boo with blood and everything. Mama cleaned it out and put band-aids on and I harldy cried. I am such a big girl!

Papa loves the girl power too, though he won't admit it!

I LOVE swings now, and laugh uncontrollably when Mama asks if I want to go one. Here I am next to my friend Kyle at our parenting group park playdate a couple of days ago.

Of course I still cruise around the house, chasing balls and getting into Mama and Papa's stuff as much as I can. Gosh, I love being 1!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Au Revoir.....

A couple of weeks ago, Mama and Papa's lease on the 2007 Saturn Aura ended. It was a sweet ride and I will miss the a/c, but the Aura served us well. Thank you GM for making such a nice car!!!!

Here is Mama when Papa brought the car home in May 2007. Do you see me? You have to look very, very closely, as Mama was just 10 weeks pregnant with me!

And here we were saying goodbye. Look at how big I am!!!

And showing off my walking skills on the hood...hey who cares, we were turning it in anyway.

Friday, June 5, 2009

I have some good news and I have some bad news.

Bad news first: I am allergic to eggs! I had a really scary allergic reaction a few weeks ago and today I had an appointment with Dr. Doshi, an allergist, and had a test done to confirm the allergy. But on a positive note, I was so brave and didn't even cry. In fact, I was so good and kept busy and happy for two hours while I was poked and prodded (thankfully Mama filled the diaper bag with my ball, books, and food). I made friends with EVERYONE in the office and chased a five year old boy (Papa wasnt so thrilled to hear that) in the waiting room.

Dr. Doshi thinks I will outgrow my allergy by the time I am three. I hope so....I LOVE ice cream just like Mama and Papa! But in the meantime, please dont feed me anything with eggs in it.

The good news is that I am having sooooo much fun!!!! I am walking really fast now and am trying to run. I am more agile every day too. Last weekend, we went to a really cool park in Birmingham.

Papa pushed me on the swing...I love to swing!

I was not so impressed crawling through the tunnel.

Or walking through the tunnel. What the **** was that all about?

Okay, Mama, let's climb the jungle gym.

We also went to a carnival that was held in a small park right in downtown Birmingham. I was mesmerized by all the rides, games, noises and people. That was cool!

My favorite pasttime is walking around in our neighborhood. I love to visit with my neighbors and basically just be nosy.

Did I mention how well I am eating these days? I LOVE food, especially when it is fun to play with. But still not crazy about those veggies. Ick!