Sunday, July 25, 2010

Da Lake

A couple of weeks ago, we went to Independence Lake near Ann Arbor. Mama used to come here a lot to study when she was in college. It was super hot outside, so it felt soooo nice to cool off.

Charlie was a naked baby (except for a diaper of course). He enjoyed just hanging out.

I swam in the lake, but didn't like the feel of the not-so-sandy sand in my toes so I made Mama and Papa carry me. Mama even swam because the lake was super duper warm!

There was a splash park too, but oddly enough the water was really cold so I didn't play much.

Afterward, we had dinner at Gratzi's in downtown Ann Arbor. Gratzi's was the location of one of Papa and Mama's most romantic dates ever! Ten years later they went back with me and Charlie!

When we got home we were super tired.

But then the drama started. Something in the air at the lake made the entire family sick with horrible allergies! Mine were the worst - I spent an entire day in bed and didn't eat much for 3 days. Mama took me to the doctor's and I was put on Zyrtec. I felt better but my nose continued to run and Mama was afraid I had a sinus infection, so she took me back to the doctor's. Turns out I had an ear first ear infection ever as it turns out!

The doctor prescribed amoxicillan and once again I started feeling better. But a week later I developed a horrible rash ALL OVER my body. It looked awful but thankfully it didn't itch at all. Turns out I am allergic to penicillin (just like Mama). I am all better now, and we had fun freaking out our neighbors!!! Here is a closeup of my rash - it was EVERYWHERE!

We have had some powerful storms lately too! Here is a beautiful sunset on our street after a storm.

Stayin Cool

It has been hot hot hot here in Michigan. With Charlie being so little, we have stayed indoors more than we would like, but that gives us plenty of time to be silly and take lots of pictures!

Mama is quite sad that Charlie is nearing the end of his "newborn" phase. But we love that he is making some pretty cute faces and can't wait to hear his first laugh, which should be very soon.

Cha-choo loves to be talked to and loves to be held.

I get to hold Cha-choo too!

We won't show you a picture of me trying to push Cha-choo off of the boppy.....(my bad)

My brother is sooo handsome.....

He is Papa's Mini-me!!!!

A little sleepy, but getting some tummy time.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Cha-Choo's 2-Month Stats little brother is a very big boy! He weighed 8 pounds 5 ounces when he was born two months ago. At his pediatrician's office yesterday, he weighed in at a whopping 14 pounds 10.5 ounces!!!! He has almost doubled his birth weight in just two short months! His weight and height are both in the 95th percentile!!!

Here is a comparison of me and Charlie at 2 months.....

Natalie - 2 Months Old
24 3/4" Tall
11 lbs. 8 oz.
Thinning Hair
Slept Little
Big smiles when not crying

Charlie - 2 Months Old
24 3/4" Tall
14 lbs. 10.5 oz.
Lots of Hair
Sleeps Lots
Mr. Serious Face, but smiles when talked to

Notice that at 2 months, Charlie's length is the same as mine, but he weighs 3 pounds more!!!! I guess I'd better stop laying on Charlie cuz he is gonna be bigger than me very soon and paybacks suck!

But all in all, Charlie and I are very healthy kids so we, and our Mama and Papa, are very very happy and blessed. :-)

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Happy Birthday Mamy!

We love ya!!! XOXOXO
Natalie & Charlie

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Past Two Months....

So Charlie is two months old now and is getting soooooo big! He has a pediatrician appointment on Friday so we'll update his stats then. For now, here is what we have been doing since Charlie was born....these updates are long overdue!!!

First, while Mama and Papa were at the hospital, Grandma took care of me. We sure had fun and played lots!

After Grandma went back to Florida, Mamy and Papy came! We went to lots of parks and did all kinds of activities. I got spoiled big time as Mama adapted to life with a newborn again!

After all the grandparents left, we slowly adjusted to life as a family of four. I have a new stroller that I share with Charlie. Check out how big it is - it's the USS Andriani!!!!

I love snuggling my brother - maybe a little too much if you ask Mama and Papa because I get a little too rough. Here are some pics of me and Charlie..or "Cha-choo" as I like to call him.

Mama and Papa also adore Charlie...he is such a good baby!!!

Charlie is a cutie pie and is growing sooooo fast. He'll be crawling soon I think and I can't wait!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy 4th of July!!!!

I LOVE Independence Day! In Huntington Woods, it is a fun-filled day. We started the day eating a delicious breakfast at our neighbor's house. All my favorite friends on our block were there! Charlie spent a lot of time flirting with the pretty big girls.

After playing with my friends for a while, and eating of course, we found a nice shady spot to watch the parade. It was super hot - what a difference from last year when we needed light jackets!

The parade was super fun and I loved all the music, cars, floats, and horses.

Charlie slept through most of the parade, but he didn't like when drums played so Papa snuggled with him.

After the parade, we went for a swim, then napped. We headed up north (Rochester Hills) afterwards to hang out with more friends. We ate great food, played with tons of kids, and even sat in a hammock. It was a super fun busy day!!!!