Sunday, July 25, 2010

Stayin Cool

It has been hot hot hot here in Michigan. With Charlie being so little, we have stayed indoors more than we would like, but that gives us plenty of time to be silly and take lots of pictures!

Mama is quite sad that Charlie is nearing the end of his "newborn" phase. But we love that he is making some pretty cute faces and can't wait to hear his first laugh, which should be very soon.

Cha-choo loves to be talked to and loves to be held.

I get to hold Cha-choo too!

We won't show you a picture of me trying to push Cha-choo off of the boppy.....(my bad)

My brother is sooo handsome.....

He is Papa's Mini-me!!!!

A little sleepy, but getting some tummy time.


Anonymous said...

Love the shades! And the hot pink flamingo. Your bro is a looker, all right. Just like you. Keep making those faces and you'll have him laughing in not time.


Anonymous said...

Love that pict of the 2 of yous cousin! Can't wait to see you both for turkey day! xo