Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Wild Animals

Springtime means lots of babies! This robin built her nest on top of the light fixture on the garage. The babies were born about a week ago!!!

Here the babies are sleeping peacefully yeaterday.

And here they are hungry this morning. Hey, I kinda look like that when I am hungry too!

Mama robin is very protective but gentle, as she waits nearby while my Mama takes pictures of her babies.

Mama and I walk to our friend Jeff's house every day to play with his doggie Molly and walk her. I love Molly. Every morning Mama asks me if I want to go see the doggie and I get all happy and head for the closet to grab my shoes. As soon as the stroller pulls up to Molly's house, I start giggling uncontrollably as I know that doggie is more excited to see me than I am to see her! I am not too crazy about being licked on hands and knees...ick! But I laugh anyways!

Yesterday, Mama and I headed up to the zoo for just a short while so we could enjoy the beautiful summer-like weather. First we saw the butterfly exhibit. I sure liked chasing those beautiful butterflies!

Then we saw some birds and ducks. I didn't care much for those animals, even with Mama's cool sounds effects.

I was getting tired - I'm not used to all this sun and heat. So after a few minutes in the park, we headed home.

My favorite wild animals, though, are my WILD friends! Here I am playing with Nikos.

And Faith and I play almost every day. :-) Friends are nice!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Springtime in Michigan sure is beautiful. Check out pics Mama took during our walks.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Springtime Fun

Springtime sure is busy here in Michigan. I have been super busy playing, which is a lot more fun now that I can walk!

Mommy took me to "Babes and Books" at the library and I absolutely loved storytime as you can tell. I love books so naturally had to run up to the front and try to flip the pages.

Papa and I love to watch Sports Center and have a snack when he gets home from work.

Hey, I know that face!
I can use my sippy cup now, but I spit out half the water I take in. Hey, these cups are tricky and I am still learning.

Woof! Woof! Woof!

During spring break, lots of kids on our street played basketball in our driveway. I love watching big kids play!

Allie is like a big sister - I love her so much!
Last weekend, we headed to downtown Detroit for a stroll along the riverfront. Unfortunately is was super windy so we were the only people there! I still had fun showing off my walking skills.
Sleepy baby....
Pretty in brown.
Every day, we go for walks up and down the street. I love to visit with my friends, giggle at the fire hydrant, and look out for doggies. I also like to try to walk into the street, and throw temper tantrums when Mama pulls me back. No fair - I have all this freedom but Mama wont let me go where I want. :-(

I'm Walking Now...Look Out World!

I took my first steps over a month ago and have been practicing walking ever since. Mama and Papa walked with me outside on warm days and sometimes I even got to push my shopping cart. Allie gave me lots of good pointers.
I preferred to hold Mama or Papa's hand, however, and would rarely let go.

But if they let go, I'd walk, taking more steps every week. Oooh, those first steps were exhausting!

I tried driving, but I prefer to "walk" cars instead of drive them. For now, anyway.....

But on Wednesday night, we hosted our parenting group party and Aiden, Kyle, Jonah and Colin came over to play. Yes, I was the only girl, so I had to keep the boys in line. Well, watching the boys run around the house gave me some confidence.

So when I woke up the next morning, I wasnt crawling anymore...I was walking!!!!! All around the house, from the play room to the living room and back again. I even walked with my books and toys. This is so fun and much better for my knees and hands. I always have a big smile on my face when I walk and I giggle when I get to my destination.

Look at me go!!!!

I'm a big girl now!!!!!