Friday, May 1, 2009

I'm Walking Now...Look Out World!

I took my first steps over a month ago and have been practicing walking ever since. Mama and Papa walked with me outside on warm days and sometimes I even got to push my shopping cart. Allie gave me lots of good pointers.
I preferred to hold Mama or Papa's hand, however, and would rarely let go.

But if they let go, I'd walk, taking more steps every week. Oooh, those first steps were exhausting!

I tried driving, but I prefer to "walk" cars instead of drive them. For now, anyway.....

But on Wednesday night, we hosted our parenting group party and Aiden, Kyle, Jonah and Colin came over to play. Yes, I was the only girl, so I had to keep the boys in line. Well, watching the boys run around the house gave me some confidence.

So when I woke up the next morning, I wasnt crawling anymore...I was walking!!!!! All around the house, from the play room to the living room and back again. I even walked with my books and toys. This is so fun and much better for my knees and hands. I always have a big smile on my face when I walk and I giggle when I get to my destination.

Look at me go!!!!

I'm a big girl now!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whoa! Big progress in such a small time. Now all we need is some running shoes. You go!
