Sunday, April 25, 2010

Bike Nite 2010

Last week, we enjoyed our first Bike Nite in Royal Oak of the year! It was in the 70's and everyone was hanging out, showing off their motorcycles and hot cars. I LOVED it! Tons of people, car and dog watching - what more could a 2-year old need? Oh yeah, greasy food at Comet Burger. Yum!

The rumbling of the motorcycles and cars didn't scare me one bit....well, as long as Papa was holding me anyway. I thought it was cool!

Mama and I people watching at Comet Burger.

As you know, I prefer cats to dogs and usually don't pay attention to even the cutest doggies. But I LOVED this dog - he was so soft and was scared...of little ole me!

I loved our evening out so much that I kept kissing Papa - over and over again. Am I Papa's girl or what?

Papa melted when I gave him kisses too. Hmmm....maybe I can use kisses to my advantage.

Earlier that day, Mama and I went to the park and played. Check me out on the swing!

And on the big girl swing!!!!!

All the trees are in bloom, flowers are everywhere....ahhhhh I love spring!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

It's All About Playing!

I LOVE LOVE LOVE to play. Play outside, inside. With friends or by myself. With toys or without. I just wanna play!!!!

I go to the park whenever I can... sometimes twice a day! I love the slide, the swing, climbing up steps, and even the baby climbing wall and tire.

Inside, my new favorite thing is playing in the "sand". Okay, it's really cornmeal, but I love it! My farm animals like to jump and play in the sandbox, and I like to scoop up the sand in cups and spoons and then dump...usually on the floor or on my pants.

Oh, and here is my baby brother....and Mama too! Only 3 more weeks till Mama goes to the hospital and the baby comes out. I'm not sure exactly what Mama means by that, but I'm sure gonna find out!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy EASTER!!!!!

I hope everyone has a blessed Easter. Being a toddler, Easter for me is all about bunnies and eggs! I got to meet the Easter Bunny! At first I was pretty scared.....

but then I warmed up to him thanks to Mama singing my favorite song. Did you know that the Easter bunny came to my house this morning and left a basket of goodies and hid eggs filled with M&M's for me to find? I found them all too!! So yeah, Easter Bunny is pretty cool!

I got to play at Somerset's Easter Village and had a blast running through the "forest".

Is my Easter dress pretty or what?

Vroooom.....Can you see how fast I run now? Mama has a tough time catching up with me these days...hee! hee! hee!

There were even hula hoops, music and bubbles for us kids. Here I am watching the bubbles drift up in the air.

Papa and I had a great time as always.

I had no choice but to give Papa lots of kisses after such a fun morning. Mwah!

It was so warm last was 80 two days in a row! And Papa had Friday off of work, so of course we were outside A LOT and visited parks like twice a day. This is one of my favorite parks in Birmingham. I ran around so fast that Mama couldn't keep up with the camera, but trust me, I had a BLAST!

Happy spring!!!!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

New Friends

I have two new friends to play with!

Jen and Taki Karras, along with big sister Sophia, welcomed beautiful Evangelia to the world on March 23rd! Sophia looks like she is an awesome big sister! I need to chat with her and get some tips. Last week I shoved my babydoll's head into my potty chair and then slammed the lid down. Mama's kinda worried.....

Anyway, congratulations to the Karras'!!!! I can't wait to have playdates with all of us, and my baby brother too!

Also, on February 20th, Mama's friend Shaun gave birth to cutie pie Finneas! Congratulations to Mom, Dad and big sister Quinlan!!!!