Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy EASTER!!!!!

I hope everyone has a blessed Easter. Being a toddler, Easter for me is all about bunnies and eggs! I got to meet the Easter Bunny! At first I was pretty scared.....

but then I warmed up to him thanks to Mama singing my favorite song. Did you know that the Easter bunny came to my house this morning and left a basket of goodies and hid eggs filled with M&M's for me to find? I found them all too!! So yeah, Easter Bunny is pretty cool!

I got to play at Somerset's Easter Village and had a blast running through the "forest".

Is my Easter dress pretty or what?

Vroooom.....Can you see how fast I run now? Mama has a tough time catching up with me these days...hee! hee! hee!

There were even hula hoops, music and bubbles for us kids. Here I am watching the bubbles drift up in the air.

Papa and I had a great time as always.

I had no choice but to give Papa lots of kisses after such a fun morning. Mwah!

It was so warm last was 80 two days in a row! And Papa had Friday off of work, so of course we were outside A LOT and visited parks like twice a day. This is one of my favorite parks in Birmingham. I ran around so fast that Mama couldn't keep up with the camera, but trust me, I had a BLAST!

Happy spring!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You found them all? Wow! We were always finding leftovers months later.

Shorts and tee shirt. Gotta like that! And more to come. But slow down once in a while so we can have more pix of our gorgeous girl.

Rock on!