Thursday, December 25, 2008

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Our Parenting Group Christmas Party

We hosted our Parenting Group Christmas party on Wednesday and it was a great party. I was dressed up in my Santa outfit for the occasion.

Here I am playing with my friends Aiden and Avarie. All of the babies loved my toys!!!!

Mama and I pose with my friend Colin and his daddy Christopher. Colin's Mommy and Daddy call him "Tornado" because he is a super fast crawler...even Mommy had a hard time keeping up with him.

Check me out standing with Avarie! I love to stand, but can't quite figure out how to sit back down.
Here is Helen and her Mommy and Daddy. They brought yummy cookies!

Abby and her Mommy Becki had a good time too. But I think Abby gave me her cold :-(

Thanks to Avery, Colin, Aiden, Helen, and Abby for coming over. I had a blast!!!!

More About Being One!

I had my one-year doctor's appointment and here are my stats:

Height: 32 1/2" (95th percentile)
Weight: 19 pounds, 2 ounces (25th percentile)

On another note, we had a snowstorm here yesterday and received almost a foot of snow. Mama and Papa took me on a little sled that my friend Titus kindly gave me and boy was that cool! But I sure dont like it when my face gets cold and my nose turns red.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

My Very First Birthday!

I had the best time at my birthday party. First of all, Grandma is in town SPOLING me and I am loving it. She is so much fun and is even goofier than Mommy, which I didn't think was possible.

My birthday party was so much fun and I got to eat cake for the very first time. At first it was a bit weird and it got my fingers all sticky. But then Mommy put a dab of frosting on my lips and YUMMY!!!Why have Mommy and Papa kept this from me all this time? All I know is that I'm not eating peas again ever!

Everyone sang happy bithday to me and then we opened gifts. I got some really cool gifts too and will be playing with them for a long time. As you can see, I have lots of good friends to show me how these toys work. Thanks everyone!

The adults had a good time too and drank lots of apple and pomegranate martinis.

I am such a lucky baby to have such wonderful family and friends to celebrate with! Thank you all for being there. Mwah!

Friday, December 12, 2008


Thursday, December 11, 2008

On the Eve of My First Birthday.....

I have grown into such a beautiful "big" baby girl, or so that is what Mommy and Papa tell me. I can crawl, chase a ball, chase Mama around the house, tug on Papa's leg, and even stand for a short while. I can out-squeal ANYONE and I play pat-a-cake like a pro. I love music, hate peas. I have 8 teeth. I prefer books to stuffed animals and even many toys. I love playing with others but especially big kids and babies. I love to cuddle, bounce, and play peek-a-boo, especially with myself in the mirror. And in my first year of life, I have visited 9 states (MI, WI, IL, IN, MD, VA, FL, AZ, NV) plus D.C.

Can you imagine what I'll accomplish in my second year of life?????

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Flu :-(

Sorry I haven't been posting for a little while.  Daddy has been very crabby lately because of this "f***ing cold and snow".  I don't know what that means.  Mommy has not been feeling well at all lately, battling something that awfully resembles the flu and I think I am coming down with the sniffles myself.  Here's a little picture of Mommy and I sharing a tender moment in the mean time.  :-)