Sunday, January 24, 2010


I just returned from spending 9 days in sunny Florida! I loved spending time with family and being outside. There are lots of pictures only because we did lots of things!

The beach was sooooo awesome! At first, I cried because I did NOT like the feeling of loose sand between my toes. Eiw! But once I got down to the water, I didn't care! The waves were so cool and I just jumped up and down with excitement!

I took full advantage of the warm weather and went to the park almost every day!

Papa had been working super long hours the week before we went to Florida, so we spent lots of quality time too!

Family picture!

I also got to see all of my aunts and cousins! I have such a big family!!! Here I am pushing little cousin Dylan, who was thankfully healthy after spending two weeks in the hospital. I am so glad I got to play with him and my other cousins!

Grandma took us to some pretty cool restaurants, but of course I was more interested in exploring than eating!

I love love love love love Grandma's kitties, Nala and Simba. I hugged them repeatedly, pulled their tails, examined their facial features, and basically just tortured them the entire visit. But they also slept in my stroller and in my bed and didn't run from me, so I think they liked me!

Grandma babysat me a lot so that Mama and Papa could spend some overdue time together. They went to brunch at a fancy restaurant on the intercoastal with newlyweds Aliea and Victor.

Mama had fun reconnecting with one of her dearest friends.

Mama and Papa even went out at night, even though they were exhausted cuz I wasn't sleeping much, knowing that this would be their last chance for a looooong while! Here is Papa at the Cheesecake Factory on Las Olas.

They went to Delray beach....

and enjoyed a Cafe Liegeois at a french cafe! Papa was reminiscing about home big time!!!!!!

There's my baby brother!!!!! (in Mama's belly of course)

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Hmmm... Cupcake...

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

It's a Boy!!!!

I am going to have a baby brother! He is due May 4th ... in just 4 short months.

I think this is definitely Papa's profile!

He has big feet like the rest of us! I love toes...can't wait to tickle his!

Here is his spine... this is a really cool shot!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Christmas Vacation

Ok, we didn't go anywhere, but even better is that I got to spend lots of quality time with Papa, who had 2 weeks off from work!

We played a lot...Papa is showing me how to conduct a train!

I helped Mama bake several is very important to wipe the icing off of the cupcakes before serving them.

Since it is cold outside, we spent a lot of time at Somerset. I LOVE going up and down the elevators and escalators and basically just cruising the action I'll perfect by the time I am a teenager.

I also had my 2-year checkup. I am 35" tall (Mama insists I am 36", but I was not cooperating when the nurse was getting my height and weight so we'll never know) and I weigh 27 pounds 10 ounces. I gained back all the weight I lost when I had the H1N1 virus! I am a very healthy happy 2 year old!

Snow is pretty fun to walk on....

but I sure wish it was about 30 degrees warmer so my nose wouldn't freeze.

Mama got to watch Hope for an afternoon, so I came over for a while and played with my friend. Eating was an experience...Hope wanted nothing to do with the turkey I was eating and I almost gagged eating one of her raspberries!

Finally, the Umland's hosted the New Year's Eve party again and I played with the big girls for hours and had a blast!!!! They sure do love me!