Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Wild Animals

Springtime means lots of babies! This robin built her nest on top of the light fixture on the garage. The babies were born about a week ago!!!

Here the babies are sleeping peacefully yeaterday.

And here they are hungry this morning. Hey, I kinda look like that when I am hungry too!

Mama robin is very protective but gentle, as she waits nearby while my Mama takes pictures of her babies.

Mama and I walk to our friend Jeff's house every day to play with his doggie Molly and walk her. I love Molly. Every morning Mama asks me if I want to go see the doggie and I get all happy and head for the closet to grab my shoes. As soon as the stroller pulls up to Molly's house, I start giggling uncontrollably as I know that doggie is more excited to see me than I am to see her! I am not too crazy about being licked on hands and knees...ick! But I laugh anyways!

Yesterday, Mama and I headed up to the zoo for just a short while so we could enjoy the beautiful summer-like weather. First we saw the butterfly exhibit. I sure liked chasing those beautiful butterflies!

Then we saw some birds and ducks. I didn't care much for those animals, even with Mama's cool sounds effects.

I was getting tired - I'm not used to all this sun and heat. So after a few minutes in the park, we headed home.

My favorite wild animals, though, are my WILD friends! Here I am playing with Nikos.

And Faith and I play almost every day. :-) Friends are nice!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you're taking full advantage of the good weather.
Back in Virginia, we had a robin's nest just under the deck. Man, that bird wouldn't let us come anywhere near the nest. Don't mess with moms; that what I say.
Rock on, beautiful girl.
