Friday, June 5, 2009

I have some good news and I have some bad news.

Bad news first: I am allergic to eggs! I had a really scary allergic reaction a few weeks ago and today I had an appointment with Dr. Doshi, an allergist, and had a test done to confirm the allergy. But on a positive note, I was so brave and didn't even cry. In fact, I was so good and kept busy and happy for two hours while I was poked and prodded (thankfully Mama filled the diaper bag with my ball, books, and food). I made friends with EVERYONE in the office and chased a five year old boy (Papa wasnt so thrilled to hear that) in the waiting room.

Dr. Doshi thinks I will outgrow my allergy by the time I am three. I hope so....I LOVE ice cream just like Mama and Papa! But in the meantime, please dont feed me anything with eggs in it.

The good news is that I am having sooooo much fun!!!! I am walking really fast now and am trying to run. I am more agile every day too. Last weekend, we went to a really cool park in Birmingham.

Papa pushed me on the swing...I love to swing!

I was not so impressed crawling through the tunnel.

Or walking through the tunnel. What the **** was that all about?

Okay, Mama, let's climb the jungle gym.

We also went to a carnival that was held in a small park right in downtown Birmingham. I was mesmerized by all the rides, games, noises and people. That was cool!

My favorite pasttime is walking around in our neighborhood. I love to visit with my neighbors and basically just be nosy.

Did I mention how well I am eating these days? I LOVE food, especially when it is fun to play with. But still not crazy about those veggies. Ick!


Anonymous said...

Hi Natalie:
Just wanted to say hello! My goodness, you are growing up so quickly--such cute pix of you scooting around the Birmingham park. (I have a friend who lives n Birmingham.) Looks like fun! You are a cute bundle of energy! Also liked your innovative approach to dealing with wiggly spaghetti--I might try that next time I go to our local Italian restaurant.
Love to all,
Talia's VA Grandmama

ANDRE and JAY said...

Eggs are overrated anyway. But you look so amazingly cute Natalie. Hugs from the Hudsons x

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about the allergy. But eggs are overrated anyway, just like veggies.

Keep notes on walking and running so you can give some tips to cousin Talia in a few weeks.

See you soon.


Gayle said...

Hope you still healthy and happy Natalie! Zachary has some allergies too. And did that allergy testing! What a big girl being so good through that testing. Good seeing your cute little face.

Gayle said...
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