Thursday, November 6, 2008

My Very First Halloween

My first Halloween was a lot of fun! First, we were invited to a party at the Zonder's with all my favorite neighbors. Check out the cool kids table - can't wait to sit there in a couple of years! But I didn't feel left out cuz Allie chased me around the house.

The adults had a lot of fun as always...some more than others!!!!

But the neatest part was hanging out in the basement with all of the kids. The big kids formed a band and me, Mommy and Faith were the backup dancers. The not-as-big kids played with Hanna's hamster.

Finally it was time for trick-or-treating! And I was dressed as a cow!!! MOOOOO!!!!

We had some early trick-or-treaters - my favorite friends Allie, Grace and Faith!

It was awfully quite at first, so we went over to Joe and Nancy's and spent time with Mary Babiasz, who calls me "buttons". I adore Mary! But even she couldn't stop me from crying - I was tired of being a cow. So Mommy took off my costume. But I was still dressed in Halloween gear so the spirit was there! Karen B had a lot of Halloween spirit and some other spirits too....

So I didn't officially go trick-or-treating. I sat on Mommy and Papa's lap as they sat outside and handed out candy to the trick-or-treaters. I had so much fun! I mean, why go trick-or-treating? It's not like I can eat the candy. So it was way cool to see all of the costumes and toss candy in pillows and sacs. I had fun! But I grew tired and was ready for sleep.

But not before crawling around the living room once inside and snuggling with Papa.

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