Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Baby Its Cold Outside

Mommy's fingers are frozen as she writes this! So you can bet we are inside this week as polar air invades Michigan. But last week it wasn't quite so cold so Mommy took me for another sled ride. I was bundled up like a little burrito!

We've had tons of snow this winter - it was the fourth snowiest winter ever! I spend a lot of time on the couches looking out the window at the snow falling. Look how much there is!

Check me out standing - I am pretty good at it now.

We've had some visitors in our yard too. Why didn't these guys fly south for the winter?

Here I am playing. I love to play. My favorite thing to do is take apart anything that Mommy puts together. But the coolest thing is knocking down blocks - it is soooo fun!!!

1 comment:

Talia Pearl said...

That LOOKS cold. It's down to the mid-30's at night here, which is cold for me but I guess not so much for you. All our snow is gone.

Wow, I'm looking forward to being able to stand up like you. I even heard you're WALKING already. Can't wait 'til I can do that.

Meanwhile, stay warm, cuz.