Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year!!!!

I sure have had a busy couple of weeks. Santa came and brought me lots of presents. Plus I received lots of gifts from my family and friends. I got a lot of books, and as you can see, I sure love books.
Mama and Papa hosted Christmas dinner and our neighbors Joe, Nancy and Mary (Grandma Gigi) came over. We had fun and Mama made a duck and a turkey. It was her first turkey and everyone liked it so she was happy. Here I am cuddling with Grandma Gigi.

Papa was home for over 2 weeks, so we just hung out, played, and enjoyed some cuddle time . I can pull myself up to stand pretty well now, and there is no greater motivator than my favorite ball!

We drove to Somerset mall a few times too. I love to play with the other kids in the play area! Mama and Papa love to eat, so we did that too!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What fun! Just like your Dad, you have to chase a ball. I remember that ball of yours from your trip to Vegas. And I also remember the playground at Somerset. Right in front of Santa's workshop, when I last was there.

Keep having a great New Year.
