Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Learning and Growing

We had a rare spring snowstorm yesterday, but that hasnt stopped me from playing!

I can now stack blocks on my own! But I am not too happy when I knock them down.

I still love books, but my favorite is a book given to me by the Bonello's what plays French nursery rhymes. I can play with this book all day!

Over the weekend, Mama bundled me up and we went to the park. I rode down the slide with Papa, but also went down the tot slide all by myself.

I'm still not sure about swings. But dont I look a bit like baby Audrey Hepburn?

Mama like to take me to the mall during the week so I can play in their tot play area.


Anonymous said...

Glad to see a little snow is not slowing you down. I don't know what Audrey Hepburn looked like as a baby, but I'm betting she didn't have your looks and charm. Is that a ballet tutu with jeans you're sporting while reading that French book? What a fashion leader. But my favorite has to be the red suit you're wearing at the mall.
Love, Papi

Anonymous said...

I love that right dimple! You look so grown up, ma chérie! Looking forward to seeing you again this summer. Gros bisous. Mamie