Thursday, August 27, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday Talia!

Happy Birthday to my little cousin Talia, who turned one yesterday! How cool that we are the same age. Even though we live 2,000 miles apart, we have always shared a special bond.

For instance, we BOTH loved Talia's bouncer.

We are both spoiled by our loved ones

We both look stunning in dresses, even when we slobber Cheerios on them
We both love to play
And reading is a favorite past time
Now the big question is.....
will we have the same taste in boys???? (Papa, I didn't write that, I swear!)


Talia Pearl said...

Thanks for the birthday wishes, cuz.

It's true, we have a blast when we're hangin' together. And I've learned a lot from your lead in important issues like music, food, toys, and parental training (such as your comment on my "Birthday Party" blog).

And, hey, I'm sure we'll have those 'boys' twisted around our fingers, just like our... well... you know.

Rock on, cuz!

Anonymous said...

Ok the 2 of you... I'm worried already... maybe I should keep that little boy Carson away from Talia for now... maybe you can see him just once a year... but he's so darn cute!!! (not to mention sweet!)
Ok, maybe I won't be all freaked out till you girls start asking to borrow the car keys!