Saturday, October 31, 2009


Tonight I went trick-or-treating and boy did I have fun. Everyone loved my costume...Giraffe on the loose in the woods!!!!

But instead of trick-or-treating, I was more interested in playing with Nikos and stealing his tractor....

and walking up and down the sidewalk checking out the other kids' costumes and the decorations.

Fireman Nikos was checking out our decorations to make sure they were safe and not flammable.
Allie, Grace, Faith and Hope had a great time trick-or-treating and looked super cute!!!

Gian was Octomom!!!!!!

Mommy decorated our house with lights and Papa carved an "Ironman" pumpkin.

It was too cold to wear my ladybug costume, but here I am the first time I tried it on. I couldn't take my eyes off the mirror!!!!
I hope everyone had a fun, safe, and sugar-filled Halloween!!!


Anonymous said...

The mighty giraffe teamed up with Tonka earth moving equipment; I hope they're on our side. Such an appropriate identity for the SO BIG girl.

Save some candy for me

Love, Papi

PS: Gian easily wins 'Most Original Costume'

Anonymous said...

That's the cutest giraffe I have ever seen in my life!