Thursday, October 29, 2009

Halloween Parties

The pre-Halloween parties are finally over, and now I look forward to trick-or-treating on Saturday night.

On Tuesday, I got dressed in my ladybug costume and we went to the Mom's Club Halloween party. Unfortunately, I took a power nap and we got to the party towards the end so I didn't have as much time to play with my friends as I would have liked. But I had such a good time and Mama enjoyed hanging out with the other moms.
Look how pretty I am! Here is my friend Layla (dressed as a doggie) and her Mommy Mary.

My friend Lucy also dressed up as a ladybug, so we were a big hit at the party. Lucy's Mommy Angela took a couple of pictures of us together. Can't wait to see them!

Last night, despite a runny nose, Mama, Papa and I went to our parenting group party. I got to hang out with Mickey Mouse (aka Carson), a Care Bear (Abby), a dragon (Aidan), and a giraffe (Kyle). I chased Abby around the house, played with her toys, and tried to share with my friends, though it sure was hard. I really missed my best pal Colin...he is recovering from pink eye. Big kisses, Colin!
I really dont like these group shots. Who wants to sit still when there are soooo many toys to play with?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a menagerie! Love it! Thanks for the wave, big ladybug. Keep that outfit ready for Thanksgiving. Mamie and I want to see it up close. Assuming it still fits by then.
Love, Papi