Saturday, April 11, 2009


Happy Easter everyone and big kisses to my family and friends!!!! Papa has a few days off for the holiday so Mama and Papa took me to Somerset Mall to have my photo taken with the Easter Bunny. At first, I was pretty scared.....

...but then I remembered that I saw the same bunny last year and she was all right. I didnt even cry back then and I was only 4 months old! Of course at 4 months I had only just discovered that I had hands, so I wasn't a big girl like I am now.

So I stopped crying but I sure wasn't gonna give the bunny a hug like some kids were doing!

After that semi-traumatic experience (thanks Mama) I got to play and show off my walking skills. Look at me go!

I was one tired baby after that and zonked out in the car on the way home.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Happy 3rd Birthday FAITH!!!!

My good friend Faith celebrated her birthday today! Here bithday theme was Dora the Explorer and everything indeed was Dora - cake, doll, bag, towel. I got to play with Faith this afternoon and then we went over to her house for cake and ice cream. Here are some pics of the party. Mama let me have some cake and ice cream too - and I loved it. Yum Yum!!!! I am really loving these birthday parties. When is the next one?

Learning and Growing

We had a rare spring snowstorm yesterday, but that hasnt stopped me from playing!

I can now stack blocks on my own! But I am not too happy when I knock them down.

I still love books, but my favorite is a book given to me by the Bonello's what plays French nursery rhymes. I can play with this book all day!

Over the weekend, Mama bundled me up and we went to the park. I rode down the slide with Papa, but also went down the tot slide all by myself.

I'm still not sure about swings. But dont I look a bit like baby Audrey Hepburn?

Mama like to take me to the mall during the week so I can play in their tot play area.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Spring is in the Air

The weather here in Michigan changes daily and drastically. One day it is 65 degrees, the next it is snowing with howling winds.

On cold days, we stay inside and I am on my feet pushing my carts and trying to ride in my cars. I like to put things inside my carts and then push them all around, just like Mama does when she goes grocery shopping. I am such a big girl!

I spend a lot of time with the Umland's, my neighbors and good friends. Here Hope is in my jumper (still not sure why she got to bounce in it instead of me but I digress) while we were watching a Baby Einstein video.

Grace was teaching me how to ride my toy car.

Faith loves her babydolls, including me and Hope!

On warm days, Mama and Papa take me to the park. I like the swing, but as you can see I don't love it quite yet. Mama also pushes me down the slide in the tot lot and I am loving that - but I dont have a photo yet.