Sunday, July 25, 2010

Da Lake

A couple of weeks ago, we went to Independence Lake near Ann Arbor. Mama used to come here a lot to study when she was in college. It was super hot outside, so it felt soooo nice to cool off.

Charlie was a naked baby (except for a diaper of course). He enjoyed just hanging out.

I swam in the lake, but didn't like the feel of the not-so-sandy sand in my toes so I made Mama and Papa carry me. Mama even swam because the lake was super duper warm!

There was a splash park too, but oddly enough the water was really cold so I didn't play much.

Afterward, we had dinner at Gratzi's in downtown Ann Arbor. Gratzi's was the location of one of Papa and Mama's most romantic dates ever! Ten years later they went back with me and Charlie!

When we got home we were super tired.

But then the drama started. Something in the air at the lake made the entire family sick with horrible allergies! Mine were the worst - I spent an entire day in bed and didn't eat much for 3 days. Mama took me to the doctor's and I was put on Zyrtec. I felt better but my nose continued to run and Mama was afraid I had a sinus infection, so she took me back to the doctor's. Turns out I had an ear first ear infection ever as it turns out!

The doctor prescribed amoxicillan and once again I started feeling better. But a week later I developed a horrible rash ALL OVER my body. It looked awful but thankfully it didn't itch at all. Turns out I am allergic to penicillin (just like Mama). I am all better now, and we had fun freaking out our neighbors!!! Here is a closeup of my rash - it was EVERYWHERE!

We have had some powerful storms lately too! Here is a beautiful sunset on our street after a storm.


Anonymous said...

That reaction looks pretty scary. Glad you're all better now. That's the first time I've seen a splash pad like that outside the Vegas valley. Some of them here have mighty cold water, too. Guess that's why everyone always runs through them. Stay beautiful.


Anonymous said...

That reaction looks pretty scary. Glad you're all better now. That's the first time I've seen a splash pad like that outside the Vegas valley. Some of them here have mighty cold water, too. Guess that's why everyone always runs through them. Stay beautiful.
