Saturday, October 31, 2009


Tonight I went trick-or-treating and boy did I have fun. Everyone loved my costume...Giraffe on the loose in the woods!!!!

But instead of trick-or-treating, I was more interested in playing with Nikos and stealing his tractor....

and walking up and down the sidewalk checking out the other kids' costumes and the decorations.

Fireman Nikos was checking out our decorations to make sure they were safe and not flammable.
Allie, Grace, Faith and Hope had a great time trick-or-treating and looked super cute!!!

Gian was Octomom!!!!!!

Mommy decorated our house with lights and Papa carved an "Ironman" pumpkin.

It was too cold to wear my ladybug costume, but here I am the first time I tried it on. I couldn't take my eyes off the mirror!!!!
I hope everyone had a fun, safe, and sugar-filled Halloween!!!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Halloween Parties

The pre-Halloween parties are finally over, and now I look forward to trick-or-treating on Saturday night.

On Tuesday, I got dressed in my ladybug costume and we went to the Mom's Club Halloween party. Unfortunately, I took a power nap and we got to the party towards the end so I didn't have as much time to play with my friends as I would have liked. But I had such a good time and Mama enjoyed hanging out with the other moms.
Look how pretty I am! Here is my friend Layla (dressed as a doggie) and her Mommy Mary.

My friend Lucy also dressed up as a ladybug, so we were a big hit at the party. Lucy's Mommy Angela took a couple of pictures of us together. Can't wait to see them!

Last night, despite a runny nose, Mama, Papa and I went to our parenting group party. I got to hang out with Mickey Mouse (aka Carson), a Care Bear (Abby), a dragon (Aidan), and a giraffe (Kyle). I chased Abby around the house, played with her toys, and tried to share with my friends, though it sure was hard. I really missed my best pal Colin...he is recovering from pink eye. Big kisses, Colin!
I really dont like these group shots. Who wants to sit still when there are soooo many toys to play with?

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Pumpkin Carving Party and Zoo Boo!!!!

Whew...what a busy weekend! Last night, my friend Sophia and her parents hosted their annual pumpkin carving party. Back in the day, Mama and Papa would stay until the wee hours of the night hanging out, listening to music and drinking lots of wine. Things sure have changed! Now the 2-years olds ruled the party, so as you can imagine, I had a super fun time.

I dressed up as a ladybug! I had a hat too, but didn't care much for wearing it.

Sophia's Mommy made her this gorgeous costume....she was a cupcake!

At the end of the night, all of us toddlers took a group picture. As you can see, I wasn't very cooperative. With so many toys, why would I want to stop playing to take a picture?

Tonight, Mama and Papa took me to Zoo Boo! It is a fun trick-or-treating event at the Detroit Zoo. I wore my outdoor costume....I was a giraffe!

Hey, where'd the water in the fountain go?

Zoo alert: cutie pie giraffe on the prowl!

It was a beautiful evening and the zoo was so pretty with all of the pretty leaves, lights and Halloween decorations. Plus we got candy!!!! And to think Halloween night is still six days away and I have two more parties to go to. I foresee a lot of long naps this week!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Growing Up

With my second birthday right around the corner, I am getting into some big girl habits.

Washing my own hands.....

Okay, sucking the water off my fingers is my main goal, but at least they are clean fingers!

Climbing up and down the stairs....

And look how big I look in my fall dress.....

Side profile....

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Hay Day

Last weekend, our city hosted a Hay Day Festival to celebrate fall. The highlight for sure was a special pony ride! I loved riding on the pony from the start. Mama showed me how to hold on to the saddle and I held tight the entire time!

Mama thought for sure I would cry, but I didn't!!!! I loved how I bounced a little during the ride. The pony was very sweet.

Okay, I did start to cry at the very end, but my bottom was sore from all that bouncing!

And guess who was also at Hay Day? My good friends, the Umlands. Here I am with my good friend Hope.

One game was to find gold coins in all of the hay. Not quite like looking for a needle in a haystack cuz I found several coins!!!!!

Looking for more coins.....

Papa helped me make music with my feet on the chimes!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Last Days of Summer

I'm not sure who turned off the sun, but the warm sunny skies I had become accostomed to have been replaced with gray and cool weather. Thankfully, I was outside A LOT this summer and enjoyed every moment of warmth.

We went to Birmingham quite often to play at Booth Park and walk around the beautiful neighborhoods and the lake.

We attended a Labor Day parade in the village of Franklin and enjoyed a delicious burger at the Franklin Grill.

I in particular had a blast in downtown Detroit playing in the fountains. At first, I wasn't too sure about getting wet....

But after testing out each fountain (there were dozens!), I was running around squealing in my drenched clothes.

We also checked out the Jazz Festival downtown. It was so cool....lots of people, groovy sounds and yummy food.

Nancy, our good friend and neigbor, had a party to celebrate her great achievement in becoming a nurse. We are so proud of her! It was a super fun party. I got to play with Joe and Nancy's grandkids Annie, Hanna and Silas.

Wasn't I so pretty in my blue party dress?

I had so much fun playing with all the neighbor kids that I completely crashed at the end of the night. I am still a baby after all!!!